Sexual and reproductive Health and Economic empowerment (SHE) Supporting Out-of-school Adolescent Girls’ Rights and Skills (SOARS): SHE SOARS
SHE SOARS is a 7-year project that supports and empowers out-of-school adolescent girls in Kenya, Uganda, and Zambia to access and realize their sexual and reproductive health and rights. Funded by the Government of Canada and implemented by a consortium of partners, the project aims to reach over 200,000 girls by transforming the social, economic, and legal barriers that affect their well-being and potential. Through SHE SOARS, adolescent girls will be able to choose their own path in life, become leaders in their communities, and pursue their dreams.

Project Objectives
- To increase the access and utilization of high-quality, evidence-based sexual and reproductive health services for out-of-school adolescent girls aged 10-19 years in Kenya, Uganda, and Zambia by 2030.
- To empower out-of-school adolescent girls aged 10-19 years in Kenya, Uganda, and Zambia to exercise their sexual and reproductive health and rights by 2030.
- To strengthen the capacity of local women’s rights and youth-led groups to advocate for and monitor the implementation of policies and programs that promote the sexual and reproductive health and rights of out-of-school adolescent girls by 2030.
- To improve the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of health providers, community members, and relevant government ministries on the sexual and reproductive health and rights of out-of-school adolescent girls by 2030.

- Advocate for and monitor the implementation of adolescent SRHR laws, policies, and standards. This activity involves engaging with relevant government ministries, parliamentarians, media, and civil society to influence the adoption and/or implementation of legal and policy frameworks that protect and promote the SRHR of out-of-school adolescent girls. It also involves tracking and reporting on the progress and impact of the advocacy efforts.
- Build the capacity and leadership of local women’s rights and youth-led groups. This activity involves providing technical and financial support to the groups to enhance their knowledge, skills, and networks on SRHR advocacy and accountability. It also involves facilitating cross-movement collaboration and learning among the groups and other stakeholders.